Mission and Profile
Mission, vision and values
Mission: To train professionals with a solid foundation in research and ecological theory, capable of applying this knowledge to answer questions related to the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Vision: Lead scientific development for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Values: Creativity and Innovation; Credibility; Environmental commitment; Ethical and social commitment.
Conservational Ecologists Profile
The program equips students with a robust foundation in both the theoretical and methodological aspects of ecology and conservation (including design and analysis skills). This comprehensive training prepares them for versatile careers across various dimensions within these fields. Furthermore, PPGECB/UESC graduates develop the ability to bridge the gap between research and real-world applications, envisioning how their findings can inform conservation strategies and programs. This ability is becoming increasingly sought-after, driven by the rising demand for research that directly addresses practical questions related to biodiversity and ecosystem service conservation, issues of growing importance for all societal sectors.
In the training process, the course provides broad engagement of students in their actions, which includes:
Respond to demands for information necessary to support conservation strategies;
Foster and consolidate partnerships with institutions focused on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services, and high-level scientific dissemination;
Promote communication channels between academia and other social actors, though events, consultancy and development of projects in partnership;
Promote efforts to develop long-term integrated projects that, from their initial conception, aim to apply results for conservation, encouraging the participation of researchers and students;
Lead scientific development for the conservation of national biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Training through partnerships
The academic world trains human resources to work in scientific research. However, the demands for information and feasible solutions to real problems are largely provided by society. To increase the inclusion of the Program and its students, the course has always maintained partnerships with governmental and non-governmental institutions working in the environmental area, such as: como: Centre for Research and Conservation - Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp, o Ministério Público do Estado da Bahia, o Instituto de Estudos Sócio Ambientais do Sul da Bahia (IESB), Conservação Internacional (CI-Brasil), Projeto Tamar, Instituto Baleia Jubarte (IBJ), Instituto Arapyaú, o Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio), Instituto Floresta Viva, Instituto de Pesquisa Bicho do Mato, Instituto Nautilus.
In the south of Bahia, the Private Natural Heritage Reserves Veracel and Serra Bonita, the Michelin Reserve and several public conservation areas such as the Una Biological Reserve and the National Parks of Serra das Lontras, Descobrimento, Monte Pascoal, Pau-Brasil, Marinho dos Abrolhos and Recife de Fora Marine Municipal Natural Park, offer natural areas for biodiversity research. Part of the regional biodiversity is also found on cocoa farms, several of which are partners in the program, such as Fazenda Yrerê. Furthermore, the Program's professors work in partnership with researchers from several centers of excellence in biodiversity research and conservation, in Brazil and abroad. Among these centers, the following stand out in Brazil: CENA-USP, UNICAMP, UFBA, UFSB, UnB, UFPE, JBRJ, UEM, UFPB, UFRJ, UFRN and abroad: University of Queensland, New York Botanical Gardens, Lincoln University, Boston University, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, University of Florida, University of Colorado, Texas A&M University, University of East Anglia,University of Stirling.