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Internal Rules of PPGECB

All PPGECB's functioning is based on its Internal Rules (Resolution CONSEPE 87/2014,, amended by Resolutions 46 and 48/2016), a document that brings the set of rules established and formally approved by the collegiate (program direction) and the rectory of the university . Therefore, as it is the document guiding the operation of the program, it is imperative that all teachers and students are aware of its content, to base their rights and duties. See the previous rules by clicking here.

UESC Post-Graduation General Regulations

In addition to the Internal Rules of the PPGECB, it is advisable for teachers and students to be aware of the General Rules of Postgraduate Studies at UESC (Resolution CONSU nº 01/2018), since this document also brings a series of general rules and procedures concerning regulation of every graduate in the institution.

Amendment in Art. 27 - Advance Doctoral Promotion: Resolution CONSU 04/2016

CAPES Ordinances


Others UESC Standards
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