Alexandre Schiavetti
Productivity and Research Scholarship - 1 D
The objective of this study is to study Protected Areas that use resources (extractive, hunting, fishing, tourism) in order to elaborate applied strategies for the establishment of these areas and increase the probability of success in their implantation. The evaluation of the efficiency of the management of these areas, the conflicts with the fauna and traditional conservation strategies are also part of the research objectives of the Laboratory.
Camila Righetto Cassano
In the south of Bahia, large extensions of agroforestry destined to cacao cultivation constitute a "friendly" matrix, sheltering part of the native biota. My interest as a researcher is to understand how different land uses and their landscape configuration can help mitigate the effects of loss and fragmentation of native vegetation. In addition, I am interested in understanding mechanisms that associate biodiversity with ecosystem services in agroforestry systems and landscapes.
Carlos Werner Hackradt
Reef environments are among the most productive and threatened marine ecosystems on the planet. It is estimated that around 27% of the world's coral reefs are definitely lost, with numbers that could be more alarming if containment measures are not taken. To conserve this ecosystem it is necessary to understand how anthropogenic impacts affect ecosystem functionality and how protective measures (ex: Marine Protected Areas) promote reef resilience.
Daniel Piotto
The focus of my research is to integrate theoretical knowledge about ecological processes in tropical forests and their application in the design of conservation, restoration and production systems. With a central focus on forest-generated products and services, my current research focuses on the ecology and dynamics of natural forests, the monitoring of forest restoration areas and diversified forest production systems such as mixed plantations, agroforestry systems and forest enrichment.
Daniela Custódio Talora
She has experience in Ecology and Conservation Biology, with emphasis on extinctions, population viability analysis, red lists, conservation priorities, biophilia and the role of zoology for biodiversity conservation.
Deborah Maria de faria
Productivity and Research Scholarship - 1D
My research focuses on understanding how forest loss and conversion in other uses, such as the establishment of shaded cocoa plantations, affects diversity patterns and ecological processes in anthropic landscapes located in the southern state of Bahia. More recently I am focused on understanding the biodiversity and environmental services trajectory, particularly environmental services, in these landscapes, including those in the process of restoration.
Eliana Cazetta
Productivity and Research Scholarship - 2
My research seeks to understand the effects of anthropic activities on biodiversity. I am particularly interested in evaluating the effects of habitat loss, defaunation, and agroforestry systems on diversity and key ecological interactions such as seed dispersal and predation.
Emerson Monteiro Vieira
Productivity and Research Scholarship - 1D
Mammals form an important group both for their role in tropical ecosystems and for the level of threat to which many of the native species are subjected. I have devoted myself to studying these fascinating animals. I have developed research projects in both Cerrado and Atlantic Forest areas. My main areas of interest for guidance are: 1) Ecology and Conservation of Mammals; 2) Ecological interactions between mammals and plants; 3) Natural history and use of space by small mammals.
Fernanda Amato Gaiotto
Productivity and Research Scholarship - 1D
I have been studying genetic conservation of tropical tree species since 1997. My current interest in research is focused on understanding how neutral genes and on selection influenced genetic diversity in agroforestry and fragmented forest systems based on molecular markers (microsatellites and SNPs ) and next-generation sequencing (NGS). My field of research has been that of the Atlantic Forest of the South of Bahia, where our group studies population genetics of more than 12 species of forest trees.
Gastón Andrés Fernandez Giné
Productivity and Research Scholarship - 1D
I have been studying genetic conservation of tropical tree species since 1997. My current interest in research is focused on understanding how neutral genes and on selection influenced genetic diversity in agroforestry and fragmented forest systems based on molecular markers (microsatellites and SNPs ) and next-generation sequencing (NGS). My field of research has been that of the Atlantic Forest of the South of Bahia, where our group studies population genetics of more than 12 species of forest trees.
Jacques Hubert Charles Delabie
Productivity and Research Scholarship - 1A
Ants are social invertebrates whose diversity is high and well known, quite stratified in forests and SAFs. Their assemblies are stable, with a huge biomass. They interact with fauna and flora through a variety of mechanisms. My research lines can be summarized as follows: 1) ants-plant interactions; 2) insect-insect interactions; 3) biogeography; 4) ecology of communities; 5) biomonitoring.
José Carlos Morante FIlho
Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa - 2
I am interested in understanding how environmental changes in anthropic landscapes can affect the dynamics and structure of animal and plant communities, as well as ecological processes that are essential to the functioning of ecosystems. Main lines of research: 1. Landscape Ecology; 2. Ecology and Conservation of birds; 3. Patterns of diversity in fragmented landscapes; 4. Animal-plant interaction; 5. Operation of forest ecosystems. More information:
Larissa Rocha Santos
I am interested in understanding how environmental changes in anthropic landscapes can affect the dynamics and structure of animal and plant communities, as well as ecological processes that are essential to the functioning of ecosystems. Main lines of research: 1. Landscape Ecology; 2. Ecology and Conservation of birds; 3. Patterns of diversity in fragmented landscapes; 4. Animal-plant interaction; 5. Operation of forest ecosystems. More information:
Leonardo de Carvalho Oliveira
I have great interest and experience in research related to various aspects related to primates, endangered species, invasive species agroecosystems and conservation of biodiversity. I also have great experience in applying open standards for conservation practice.
Luiz Fernando Silva Magnago
Bolsista de Produtividade e Pesquisa - 2
I have great interest and experience in research related to various aspects related to primates, endangered species, invasive species agroecosystems and conservation of biodiversity. I also have great experience in applying open standards for conservation practice.
maíra benchimol de Souza
Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa - 2
My research aims to understand the impacts of habitat loss and forest fragmentation on species loss in fragmented tropical landscapes. I try to understand the patterns and processes that determine the local extinction of species in forest fragments and to evaluate how the anthropic disturbance affects the biological communities. My main areas of activity are: (1) Landscape ecology; (2) Patterns in communities; (3) Mammalian ecology and conservation; (4) Defaunation; (5) Floristic diversity; (6) Participatory monitoring programs for biodiversity conservation.
MArcelo Schramm Mielke
Productivity and Research Scholarship - 2
The southern region of Bahia is one of the richest biodiversity areas of the Atlantic Forest, a mosaic landscape, where forest remains are interspersed with cocoa cultivation in a rustic agroforestry system known locally as cabrucas. In this context, I developed interdisciplinary research, combining basic knowledge of plant physiology, ecology and climatology, with the objective of assisting the development of theoretical and practical actions for tree management in agroforestry systems, restoration of degraded forests and understanding of impacts caused by forest fragmentation.
Mirco SOlé Kienle
Productivity and Research Scholarship - 1A
The South of Bahia represents the largest Pleistocene refuge for amphibians of the Atlantic Forest. In the Laboratory of Tropical Herpetology we study several aspects of the life history of amphibians and reptiles such as trophic ecology, life area, ecophysiology, ecotoxicology, biogeography, invasive species, larval development and as selected species can act as biocontroladores of mosquitoes transmitting diseases.
Ricardo Siqueira Bovendorp
In my research, I seek to understand how human disturbances such as defaunation, forest fragmentation and climate change affect the occurrence and distribution of mammals in the Atlantic Forest, in addition to processes such as downsizing and rodentization. Through the application of diversity metrics (taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic), I investigate the main ecological processes affected by anthropic disturbances, and how these processes affect the functioning of ecosystems.
Ana Cristina Schilling
I have experience in the use of quantitative methods in data analysis, with emphasis on
vegetation sampling and its implications on estimates of species diversity patterns and other descriptors of populations and communities.
Eduardo Mariano Neto
He is involved in teaching and research on tropical forest ecology, investigating the effects of habitat loss on the landscape scale and overexploitation on tree and animal communities. It uses mathematical and statistical modeling tools in the investigation and prediction of changes in biological processes, necessary for the maintenance of biological communities. It also acts in the planning and execution of restoration actions in areas of importance for water supply of large cities in Bahia.
Fabiana Cezar Felix Hackradt
Forecasts indicate that by 2050 we will have collapsed all marine fish stocks, and it is already observed that the management measures currently applied are not able to sustain fish production. I aim to study the ecological effects, especially on the initial stages of reef fish (eg larval dispersion models, genetic connectivity, nesting and larval recruitment, population dynamics) to understand how populations respond to these threats, what management strategies are most appropriate, and the consequences thereof for fishery productivity.
Renata Santoro de Sousa-Lima
Bolsista de Produtividade e Pesquisa - 2
Understanding the spatial, temporal and behavioral dimension of animal life is essential to know the niche and species requirements. My general research line deals with behavioral and spatial ecology applied to conservation, and is divided into three specific lines: 1. Behavioral ecology and conservation of mammals; 2. Modeling of distribution and occupation of species and 3.Planning of conservation actions.