The post-graduate program in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation – PPGECB da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC is located in the Rodovia Jorge Amado, between the cities of Ilheus and Itabuna, southern Bahia. An extremely privileged location, situated in the Atlantic forest and by the Atlantic ocean, the region is specially welcoming for research development in biodiversity concentration. Despite being situated by the road, it is easily accessible by public transport.
The main PPGECB programs and the office are concentrated in a building specifically allocated to research labs and classrooms (Pavilhão Max de Menezes). Labs located elsewhere are also available to PPGECB students, such as the Applied Ecology & Conservation Lab, the Geoprocessing Lab, the Mammal Collection room, the Zoology Vertebrates Lab and the IT Labs. In addition, there are three greenhouses. In total, UESC has over 40 functioning labs, 18 of which are available to PPGECB students. There are several infrastructure facilities are also a great addition to research (observation towers for remote monitoring, terrestrial and oceanographic meteorological stations, 4 x 4 vehicles, and more) acquired by PPGECB in competitive edicts.
Mailing address:
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Conservação da Biodiversidade - PPGECB
Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC
Pavilhão Prof. Max de Menezes, 1º andar, sala 1DA
Rodovia Jorge Amado, km 16 - Salobrinho - Ilhéus/Bahia/Brasil
CEP: 45662-900